Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vacation, Vacation

This past week we took our first family vacation since Tilly arrived. We drove down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina and spent the week with G-Ma T, G-Pa T, Auntie Meghan, Great Uncle Bill and Great Aunt Mimi. We had lots of fun swimming, playing games and spending time with the family.

Tigger enjoyed the water the most. He seemed to prefer the pool over the ocean. I think the waves were a little intimidating. He swam with G-Pa T:

Mama Tigger:

And Papa Tigger:

He also enjoyed playing in the sand and building piles of sand with Papa Tigger (he doesn't quite have the dexterity yet to build sand castles).

There was also fishing with G-Pa T and Great Uncle Bill:

Tigger got in some water play while they were fishing:

And of course there was lots of family time!

Samantha enjoyed the family time too!

Family time also included playing with everyone's hats. First G-Pa T's...

...then Papa Tigger's
While we were there we visited a local park where of course, Tigger found a ball to play with.

It was a great time. Thanks G-Ma and G-Pa T!

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