Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stickers and Computers

The days of Tigger entertaining himself with his toys for hours on end (ok, I exaggerate a bit) are over. He's becoming increasingly interested in other things, especially anything Papa TT and I are doing.

Yesterday, we were trying to entertain ourselves inside before dinner time. It was too hot to go outside and he'd already had water play at daycare. I pulled out the stickers I use to label the date on breastmilk. It was great fun!

He got me too!
This morning, Papa TT and I were on our computers and Tigger wanted to 'play.' I let him sit on my lap for a bit, then walked away to get more coffee. Apparently he wanted to keep playing. I came back to this:

Meanwhile Papa TT and Tilly were hanging out in the living room...

I'll finish the post with a picture I took the other day of the kids. I'd laid Tilly down to change Tigger's diaper and when I put him down, he ran over and laid down right next to her. So cute!

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