The trip to the hospital was, well, a trip. We left the house around 6:15, with contractions around 10 mins apart. The doc had told us to "make our way in, take a shower, grab dinner.". Our plan was to grab a bite at a nice restaurant across the street from the hospital.
We decided to Metro, because "we could." There is a stop right next to the hospital and another about 7 blocks away. The farther one is quicker to get to (a different line, about 8 fewer stops). We went to the farther one, thinking the walk would do us (her) good.
By the time we got off the train, contractions jumped to about 5 mins apart. So, no nice dinner - take out burgers it is! We got our food and headed up, around 7p.
While registering, the L&D nurses informed us that we couldn't bring food back! So, we had to scarf our food in the waiting room. Good times.
Once all registered, Mama TT had to be examined to confirm she was in labor. She was at 5cm around 7:45 (she was 3cm the day prior). It was confirmed - labor was on!
We hung out in the exam room until around 8:20. They then moved us to an L&D room. Around that time the contractions kicked up to 3 mins apart. Mama TT had decided to go without pain meds - au natural. Good thing because I don't think there would have been enough time.
Since we were here with Tilly, a midwife practice has joined. So, the nurses are well versed in the strategies of a natural birth. They helped Mama TT "try" to get comfortable - exercise ball, rocking, etc. Around her 3rd position, she was on her hands and knees on the bed.
"I think we need a check," said one of the nurses. About 10 seconds later there were around 10 people in the room - at least 3 docs. There was brief discussion about getting Mama TT on her back. Too late.
The pushing began with her still on her hands and knees. Mama TT shouldn't be ashamed to admit that she screamed. A lot. Fortunately it only took 5-6 pushes to get her out.
Baby Thomas was born at 9:35p - a healthy baby girl weighing in at 6lbs 12oz, almost a full pound heavier than her sis, and 2 pounds more than her bro... A beautiful feat for both mom and daughter.
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