Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day of labor

Wanted to insert a quick post about the day of labor leading up to Trip's arrival. On Friday, the doctors wanted to induce but we decided to give her the weekend. What a difference 24 hours makes!

The contractions started Friday night. Overnight I woke up almost every hour with the contractions. Saturday morning they were 30 minutes apart. I downloaded a nifty iPhone app to track the contractions and we went about our day running errands - Petsmart for dog food, Costco, etc. By lunchtime at Costco the contractions were 15-20 minutes apart so we decided to head home.

Saturday afternoon the kids took a nap and Papa TT and I decided to run to the grocery store to stock up on food. G-Ma and G-Pa T were around and offered to go, but I wanted to do something productive while I still could. So off we went. I'll never forget standing in front of the beer with Papa TT. A contraction hit and I told him 'Oh. Ow. OK, let's get out of here.' And with his sense of humor, he decides to be funny - 'Hmm, what kind of beer do I want? Let me think.....'

By the time we got home it was late afternoon and the contractions were 10 minutes apart. The doctor told us to make our way to the hospital - no rush but to head in. The rest of the story is above as told by Papa TT.....

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