Friday, December 4, 2009

Big Boy

Tigger is growing up so fast! Now that he's finally walking, he's graduated to the next room at daycare. For the past year, he's been in the baby room. While the girls learned to walk and moved to the next room months ago, Tigger and a few other boys were content to hang out with the babies.

Well, now he's a walking pro so this week was his 'transition week' to the new room. It's a big change - not only is it a new room with new teachers, he sits at a table to eat (vs. high chair) and sleeps on a cot (vs. crib). Papa Tigger and I were a bit nervous for the transition, so today the daycare director sent us this picture of Tigger, happily sleeping on his new cot.

He handled the move like a champ (ok, there was some crying) and today he was happy, smiling and sleeping in his new room so he'll start there full time next week. He's growing up so fast!

And to end on an even cuter note, here is a quick video I got last night of Papa Tigger making Tigger laugh as we got him ready for bed. Tigger has the best laugh!

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