Monday, February 16, 2009

Tigger gets a High Chair

As you all know, Tigger started solids recently. Papa Tigger and I have been looking for a high chair, and finally settled on the Boon Flair. It was really hard to find a modern, stylish high chair that we liked - this was really the only one we could find!

Papa Tigger put it together and I took some pictures of Tigger's dinner last night. You might notice the lack of straps on the high chair. I was washing them and they were still in the washing machine when it was time for Tigger's dinner. Rest assured that the straps are on now and we do use them.

If you're curious, he was eating rice cereal mixed with sweet potatoes. He's had rice cereal, oatmeal, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and bananas.


Debbi said...

LOVE the chair - but would you please put a brick on his head? He's getting too big too fast!!! Give him a big kiss for me.
Grandma T

Lorelei said...

I've seen and played around with that chair before. It's an awesome chair and I love the hydraulic up/down lift on it! Tigger's certainly going to love playing in that chair as he gets to be a toddler!