Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Swim Lessons, Air Show and Yard Work

Since Tigger likes to swim so much, Papa Tigger and I decided to enroll him in swimming classes this summer. The classes are a combination of fun and safety; the first class was this past Saturday and Tigger did great!

Here he is getting started with Papa Tigger; you'll notice that he grabs a toy duck, which he doesn't let go of the entire time...

On Sunday, Tigger had even more fun at the air show with Papa Tigger. Their father/son excursion also gave me and Tilly some time to catch up on nap time!

Wearing his ear plugs like a good boy...

...and eating some sugary goodness as a snack. He's so intent on eating, he's oblivious to the planes flying by!

All gone!!

Later that day, we made a quick trip to Home Depot to get some mulch. Papa Tigger and I wanted to clean up our yard a little bit. Tigger was such a help - pushing the cart and helping us load the car.

Tigger then helped Papa Tigger spread the mulch. He got very dirty, but luckily it was bath night! I was inside with Tilly and when I saw Tigger, I asked him how he got so dirty. He pointed at Papa Tigger and said 'Dada.' No joke!

1 comment:

Debbi said...

I love it!!! But we need to see more Tilly and Mommy!!