Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hint: Read the Shirt

Notice anything?

How about right-side up?

Yup, Tigger is gonna be a big brother! For those of you out there that have not yet received an excited phone call from G-Ma T, we are pregnant again!

Introducing Tilly (as in, "damn, we are fertile - y)!

(Click the sono pic to download audio of the heartbeat!)

Tilly is due May 2nd. Mama TT (TT = "Tigger and Tilly") and baby-to-be are doing well. More to come...


Debbi said...

Oh my God - that was awesome!! What a gift to share...and YES, Grandma T is VERY excited!!!

Debbi said...

BTW - May 2nd is Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's anniversary!

Gnehm said...

Wow! Congratulations!!

Lynda said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting! Looking forward to watching Big Brother get used to a new sibling.

Jennifer Brimberry said...

Congratulations!!!!! More cousins for Cassidy and Aislinn :)

Mark and Jennifer B.