In general, we spent the weekend eating, boating and playing with the kids. It was the first time that most of us met Sugar Plum (Tigger's newest cousin), who is two months old. We also got to see Sweet Pea, who just turned 3 and is growing up fast!
The kids did a great job playing together. Well, Sweet Pea did a good job. Tigger doesn't really understand sharing yet and kept taking toys out Sweet Pea's hands. But she was a good sport!
and playing with her (and Papa Tigger):
Uncle Michael and Aunt Lorelei got some quality time in too.
G-Pa T and Auntie Meghan got their Tigger time as well. Tigger really loved climbing on G-Pa T!
And of course, we all got to spend time with Sugar Plum - even Tigger!
And yes, Sugar Plum's hair is always standing up like that. Her hair kind of looks like Papa Tigger's first thing in the morning!
We also had play time in the water. There was swimming...
And tubing. This didn't exactly work out for Uncle Michael and Aunt Lorelei, though.
One evening, we took an early evening cruise on the boat. Tigger did not want to wear his hat.
But we zipped up the kids in life jackets and headed out. The weather was great!
The gentle rocking of the boat proved too much for Tigger, who had not napped well that day.
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