Happy Half Birthday Tilly! This week she turned 6 months old. Wow!! Time flies!! It sounds like a cliche but it really does seem like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital.
The other day Tilly went for her 6 month checkup and soundly impressed the doctor - perfectly healthy and almost sitting up! She's also just like her brother - tall and skinny.
- Weight - 14 lb, 11.5 oz (25% percentile)
- Height - 26 5/8 inches (75% percentile)
- Head circumference - 16 5/8 inches (50% percentile)
To put it in perspective, here she was just a few days old:

And tonight, 6 months (and a few days) old. She's rolling around so much it's hard to get her laying across the crib. Plus her smile was so cute I had to use this one:
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