Last weekend we all headed down to G-Ma and G-Pa T's for Auntie Meghan's wedding to (now) Uncle Todd. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, but great fun!
Before all the festivities started, Tilly enjoyed some time with G-Ma T. Look at those eyes!
Tigger helped out lots that weekend. Here he is helping the Matron of Honor get lunch ready for the ladies on the big day.
The fun began with getting dressed for the wedding. Tigger was the ring bearer so he had an adorable (and apparently rash-inducing, highly synthetic polyester) suit to put on. Papa TT helped Tigger while Tilly looked on.
Is it my turn yet?
All handsome!
Tilly's turn!
Tigger wants to help!
All pretty (and apparently not very happy!)
We headed over to the festivities where the kids hung out with G-Pa T.
Before the ceremony started, I handed Tilly off to her second cousins so I could take pictures. Lexi and Bella were intrigued by the baby!
The ceremony starts! Todd's sister Dede and brother-in-law Charles go first.
Then Papa TT and G-Ma T.
Then it's time for the flower girl and Tigger (sorry to the Matron of Honor - the camera was 'busy' when I tried to take her pic walking down the aisle).
This picture is really far away but if you look closely, you can see Tigger picking up the flower petals the flower girl dropped. He was trying to be helpful!
Carrying his football and holding the flower girl's hand (he was quite infatuated with her).
They're so cute!
And here's the bride with G-Pa T!
The bride and groom.
The lovely ceremony - notice Tigger hanging out. Papa TT and I tried to keep him on our laps as long as we could. He managed to stay quiet while gazing at his new best friends (the Matron of Honor and flower girl).
He found another flower petal...
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards!
We didn't get many videos over the weekend but I did manage to get this during picture taking.
The last picture is by far the best. After all of that - getting dressed, waiting for the ceremony, walking down the aisle, watching the ceremony and doing pictures, we were finally free to relax. I, of course, wanted one more family pic with our camera. The kids were SO done!
1 comment:
Thanks, Renee! What wonderful memories and a very precious family. Love, G-Ma T
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