Last weekend, Papa TT, Tigger, Tilly and I headed to to G-Ma and G-Pa T's for a little birthday celebration. August is a big birthday month in our family (me, G-Pa T, Aunt Meghan, Meema, Great Uncle Buddy and Tigger!), so some family time was in order.
Tigger was a lot more into the presents this time (versus last year). He helped open presents and color on them.

Coloring (he calls it 'yellow' though many colors are involved) is one of his latest passions. He loved the crayons from G-Ma and G-Pa T. In fact, Papa TT and I have figured out that crayon DOES come off hardwood floors!
We had a very yummy birthday dinner of steak, salad and a veggie orzo mix. Yum! G-Pa T wanted a baked potato with his dinner so he nuked a few. One was just the right Tigger size so he dug in, peel and all. He sat on Aunt Meghan's lap and just ate it like an apple!

Tilly had a good weekend too. She got lots of loving from G-Pa T...


G-Ma T...

and Aunt Meghan...
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