Saturday, April 12, 2008

Food, Food!!

As I voiced in my earlier quote about the alien inside, I've come to realize that my body is not my own anymore. Not that I should complain; I was pretty lucky in the first trimester with no tiredness, morning sickness, etc. But I'm starting to notice more changes.

I used to wake up in the morning with my first thoughts being of coffee. The aroma, the taste, hmmm hmmm! Recently, I've been waking up with my first thought being food. I'm hungry!!

[PAPA TIGGER: On weekends, Mama Tigger doesn't even wait for me to get up anymore - she grabs a bowl of cereal first thing, so she can make it until we make breakfast... Too funny!]

And sometimes (especially at lunch) some food doesn't look good. So I eat what does look good and wait for those hunger pains to come again. I have no shame anymore. A coworker made the mistake of commenting on my Snickers bar the other day; he won't do that again (hey, there's protein in those peanuts!). All I know is that I'm hungry a lot and you gotta feed the beast with whatever looks good!

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