Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Baby Gear #2

I feel the need to respond to Papa Tigger's previous post about my 'ire' at his opinion that we're overthinking the baby gear. I'm merely trying to get us organized! And when I (I mean we) pulled off a stellar wedding in only six months, he was pretty appreciative of my organizational skills then. My how the memory fades.....

People have been forwarding great advice on baby gear (thanks again Lorelei and Anna!), so I've been developing a list of the baby gear we need. In an attempt to avoid a ton of stuff, I've gone with a zero-based approach. Instead of starting with a standard list of what we need (available at lots of baby websites), I'm taking the approach of assuming we need very little and building the list from there.

I'm also trying to identify where we can avoid spending obscene amounts of money. Unfortunately, we can't buy a lot of items used, because of safety reasons. But I've put together a preliminary list of three categories: what we need new, what we can get used, and what we should wait on because Tigger may/may not like it. I'm going to lump the last category in with 'what we can get used' since we don't want to spend a lot of $$ on items Tigger may not even like.

So the first version of the lists is below. I welcome thoughts and feedback:

Infant carseat
Car Seat Carrier/Stroller
Crib/Crib mattress/sheets (we're leaning against a travel system)
Front/side-snap tees and onesies (very important during those first few weeks)
Waffle weave blankets
Footie PJs that zip (for easy access during diaper changes)
Sleep blankets (open and closed)
Pack and play
Diaper pail

All terrain stroller
Boppy and covers
Baby monitor
Other clothes
Activity mat
Baby Bjorn
Swaddle blanket
Papasan swing


Lorelei said...

Be sure to include sheet savers (water-proof mini pads) to go over the sheets where Tigger's head/tooshy lie to prevent spit-up/other stuff from getting on the sheets.

It sure beats having to change the entire sheet when all you want to do is head back to bed for some much-needed sleep!

PS. You can never have too many of them too!

PPS. Bobby is Boppy :)

Debbi said...

Very good thought process, Renee, and good to know. My only concern is that I do not know what half the items are!!! My how times change!!!
Love, G-Ma T