Sunday, April 27, 2008
No Shame
Exhibit A to my Food, Food! post:
Walking through Harris Teeter today, eating a piece of chocolate cake. Papa Tigger and I had stopped by to check out the new neighboorhood grocery store. I decided I needed to satisfy my sweet tooth and checked out the single-serve selections in the bakery. The yellow cake with chocolate icing looked too good to pass up, and there just happened to be plastic forks nearby. So Tigger and I were happy as a clam to walk through the store, eating the cake while Papa Tigger filled up the basket with weekly groceries.
Walking through Harris Teeter today, eating a piece of chocolate cake. Papa Tigger and I had stopped by to check out the new neighboorhood grocery store. I decided I needed to satisfy my sweet tooth and checked out the single-serve selections in the bakery. The yellow cake with chocolate icing looked too good to pass up, and there just happened to be plastic forks nearby. So Tigger and I were happy as a clam to walk through the store, eating the cake while Papa Tigger filled up the basket with weekly groceries.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Baby Names
So, Papa Tigger and I have been thinking about baby names (we want to give Tigger a name from the Bible). This morning, the sermon in church was about Zaccheaus, the tax collector (we could call him Zack!). I liked the story around Zaccheaus, but it's only the first idea of what will probably be many.
As we continue to search for inspiration in the Bible, we'd like to ask our friends and family to share one of their favorite biblical stories. Of course, a good story with a biblical name in it would add to our inspiration. And since we've decided (for now) not to find out the sex of the baby, we're open to boy and girl biblical names and stories. Any and all thoughts are welcome! FYI, for reference, here is a website that might help.
As we continue to search for inspiration in the Bible, we'd like to ask our friends and family to share one of their favorite biblical stories. Of course, a good story with a biblical name in it would add to our inspiration. And since we've decided (for now) not to find out the sex of the baby, we're open to boy and girl biblical names and stories. Any and all thoughts are welcome! FYI, for reference, here is a website that might help.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
All Clear
Mama Tigger was very happy to learn yesterday that she will be more than able to head to Paris and/or Tokyo at the end of June. Mama Tigger has the opportunity to head overseas for work. Papa Tigger is more than happy to join her! Should be a fun trip, wherever it may be...
We had a check-up yesterday with the OB, and all is well - heard the heartbeat again. Apparently Tigger is moving a lot. She had trouble keeping the monitor on it!
In 2 weeks - sono #2... Can't wait!
We had a check-up yesterday with the OB, and all is well - heard the heartbeat again. Apparently Tigger is moving a lot. She had trouble keeping the monitor on it!
In 2 weeks - sono #2... Can't wait!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Quote #5
"You can take my wine and my Sushi, but you can't take my clothes!"
-Mama Tigger, as she struggles to find enough clothes that fit for her trip to Boston this week...
-Mama Tigger, as she struggles to find enough clothes that fit for her trip to Boston this week...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Food, Food!!
As I voiced in my earlier quote about the alien inside, I've come to realize that my body is not my own anymore. Not that I should complain; I was pretty lucky in the first trimester with no tiredness, morning sickness, etc. But I'm starting to notice more changes.
I used to wake up in the morning with my first thoughts being of coffee. The aroma, the taste, hmmm hmmm! Recently, I've been waking up with my first thought being food. I'm hungry!!
[PAPA TIGGER: On weekends, Mama Tigger doesn't even wait for me to get up anymore - she grabs a bowl of cereal first thing, so she can make it until we make breakfast... Too funny!]
And sometimes (especially at lunch) some food doesn't look good. So I eat what does look good and wait for those hunger pains to come again. I have no shame anymore. A coworker made the mistake of commenting on my Snickers bar the other day; he won't do that again (hey, there's protein in those peanuts!). All I know is that I'm hungry a lot and you gotta feed the beast with whatever looks good!
I used to wake up in the morning with my first thoughts being of coffee. The aroma, the taste, hmmm hmmm! Recently, I've been waking up with my first thought being food. I'm hungry!!
[PAPA TIGGER: On weekends, Mama Tigger doesn't even wait for me to get up anymore - she grabs a bowl of cereal first thing, so she can make it until we make breakfast... Too funny!]
And sometimes (especially at lunch) some food doesn't look good. So I eat what does look good and wait for those hunger pains to come again. I have no shame anymore. A coworker made the mistake of commenting on my Snickers bar the other day; he won't do that again (hey, there's protein in those peanuts!). All I know is that I'm hungry a lot and you gotta feed the beast with whatever looks good!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The Last Lecture
G-Ma T just mentioned this to me (again?)... We both love the message. Pausch asks:
The key points:
Each of us must make a decision, best captured in A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh characters. Am I a fun-loving Tigger or a sad-sack Eeyore?
The key points:
- Always have fun
- Dream big
- Dare to take a risk
- Look for the good in everybody
- Make time for what matters
- Let kids be themselves
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The Tao of Poop
G-Ma T got us the Tao of Poop. She said it was somewhat of a joke, but both Mama and Papa Tigger devoured it anyway. Basically, the book is about how you have no control over what is to come, and the best course of action is to relax and take life as it comes. Though it got a little touchy-feely- at times for Mama Tigger, I think we both enjoyed the message...
Thanks G-Ma T (and G-Pa T)!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Baby Gear #2
I feel the need to respond to Papa Tigger's previous post about my 'ire' at his opinion that we're overthinking the baby gear. I'm merely trying to get us organized! And when I (I mean we) pulled off a stellar wedding in only six months, he was pretty appreciative of my organizational skills then. My how the memory fades.....
People have been forwarding great advice on baby gear (thanks again Lorelei and Anna!), so I've been developing a list of the baby gear we need. In an attempt to avoid a ton of stuff, I've gone with a zero-based approach. Instead of starting with a standard list of what we need (available at lots of baby websites), I'm taking the approach of assuming we need very little and building the list from there.
I'm also trying to identify where we can avoid spending obscene amounts of money. Unfortunately, we can't buy a lot of items used, because of safety reasons. But I've put together a preliminary list of three categories: what we need new, what we can get used, and what we should wait on because Tigger may/may not like it. I'm going to lump the last category in with 'what we can get used' since we don't want to spend a lot of $$ on items Tigger may not even like.
So the first version of the lists is below. I welcome thoughts and feedback:
Infant carseat
Car Seat Carrier/Stroller
Crib/Crib mattress/sheets (we're leaning against a travel system)
Front/side-snap tees and onesies (very important during those first few weeks)
Waffle weave blankets
Footie PJs that zip (for easy access during diaper changes)
Sleep blankets (open and closed)
Pack and play
Diaper pail
All terrain stroller
Boppy and covers
Baby monitor
Other clothes
Activity mat
Baby Bjorn
Swaddle blanket
Papasan swing
People have been forwarding great advice on baby gear (thanks again Lorelei and Anna!), so I've been developing a list of the baby gear we need. In an attempt to avoid a ton of stuff, I've gone with a zero-based approach. Instead of starting with a standard list of what we need (available at lots of baby websites), I'm taking the approach of assuming we need very little and building the list from there.
I'm also trying to identify where we can avoid spending obscene amounts of money. Unfortunately, we can't buy a lot of items used, because of safety reasons. But I've put together a preliminary list of three categories: what we need new, what we can get used, and what we should wait on because Tigger may/may not like it. I'm going to lump the last category in with 'what we can get used' since we don't want to spend a lot of $$ on items Tigger may not even like.
So the first version of the lists is below. I welcome thoughts and feedback:
Infant carseat
Car Seat Carrier/Stroller
Crib/Crib mattress/sheets (we're leaning against a travel system)
Front/side-snap tees and onesies (very important during those first few weeks)
Waffle weave blankets
Footie PJs that zip (for easy access during diaper changes)
Sleep blankets (open and closed)
Pack and play
Diaper pail
All terrain stroller
Boppy and covers
Baby monitor
Other clothes
Activity mat
Baby Bjorn
Swaddle blanket
Papasan swing
Austin + BBQ
Add another to the list! Mama Tigger and I headed to Austin to see our niece, Cassidy. Oh, and we saw the rest of her fam as well (mom aka G-Ma C, brother, sister-in-law, and uncle). It was fun - checked out G-Ma C's new carpet, ate some REAL Texas bbq (twice!), and made the traditional trek to Cheesecake Factory (Michael and Lorelei's favorite restaurant). We were there to celebrate Michael and Lorelei's birthday, technically. But really, it was a trip designed to get some practice in.
Here we are playing on the cows.

Tigger has some family competition on the cuteness metric...
Uh oh...
She was pretty shy much of the weekend - no memories of the fun we had at Christmas. Mama Tigger was able to hold her though, using raisins as a bribe (note to self - bribery is a tool, not a felony)...

We also made a trip to Babies 'R Us, where Mama Tigger got a much-enjoyed tour of the premises by Lorelei. Mama Tigger had just finished the Consumer Reports Guide to the Best Baby Products, so it was helpful to get some hands-on training. I already believe we are over-thinking what to buy, but comments to that affect are met with ire from Mama Tigger...
Here we are playing on the cows.

Tigger has some family competition on the cuteness metric...

Uh oh...

She was pretty shy much of the weekend - no memories of the fun we had at Christmas. Mama Tigger was able to hold her though, using raisins as a bribe (note to self - bribery is a tool, not a felony)...

We also made a trip to Babies 'R Us, where Mama Tigger got a much-enjoyed tour of the premises by Lorelei. Mama Tigger had just finished the Consumer Reports Guide to the Best Baby Products, so it was helpful to get some hands-on training. I already believe we are over-thinking what to buy, but comments to that affect are met with ire from Mama Tigger...
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