Friday, May 4, 2012

Tilly's Two Year Checkup

In addition to my weekly checkup the other day, we also headed to Tilly's doctor for her two year checkup. She continues to be tall and skinny (with a big head!). Her stats were:
  • Weight = 23 lb 4 oz (5 - 10th percentile)
  • Height = 34 inches (50th percentile)
  • Head circumference = 19 1/8 inches (75th percentile)
She's doing great on all fronts except for two things. Her skin has always been bad; her hands have been particularly dry and patchy throughout the winter as she refused to wear gloves. We've been pretty meticulous about moisturizing day and night but it still hasn't gotten much better. The doctor diagnosed eczema and prescribed some cortisone cream to clear it up.

The other troubling diagnosis was that of a hernia. We noticed a bulge in Tilly's groin about two weeks ago. It comes and goes and doesn't seem to bother her. The doctor thinks it's a hernia - basically something in the abdominal cavity sticking through an incompletely formed abdominal wall/muscle. She referred us to the surgery department at our city's children's hospital. She goes in next week and we'll see what the next steps are. Unfortunately she may need surgery:(

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