Tigger is turning into quite the dancer. And a ham.
First off, he likes to dance occasionally. Here he is dancing and playing with Tilly (don't worry, he doesn't actually hit her in the face).
The next morning I caught him dancing some more.
As you can tell, Tigger understands what the video camera is; he really hams it up! So we decided to hand the camera over to him...
...he doesn't quite get it yet - he kept hitting the record button, and stopping/starting the recording.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
3 Month Birthday
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Post Feedings
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Legos (again!)
Last Saturday, Papa TT, Tigger, Tilly and I headed to the National Building Museum for a Lego exhibit. It was fantastic - the exhibit showcases 15 famous buildings made entirely of legos. There was also a lego playland where visitors could construct buildings out of legos and add to the city being built.
Tigger enjoyed building...
...but didn't quite have the patience or motor skills to build anything to add to the city:
It was still a great time!
Tigger enjoyed building...
...but didn't quite have the patience or motor skills to build anything to add to the city:
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Stickers and Computers
The days of Tigger entertaining himself with his toys for hours on end (ok, I exaggerate a bit) are over. He's becoming increasingly interested in other things, especially anything Papa TT and I are doing.
Yesterday, we were trying to entertain ourselves inside before dinner time. It was too hot to go outside and he'd already had water play at daycare. I pulled out the stickers I use to label the date on breastmilk. It was great fun!

He got me too!
This morning, Papa TT and I were on our computers and Tigger wanted to 'play.' I let him sit on my lap for a bit, then walked away to get more coffee. Apparently he wanted to keep playing. I came back to this:
Meanwhile Papa TT and Tilly were hanging out in the living room...
I'll finish the post with a picture I took the other day of the kids. I'd laid Tilly down to change Tigger's diaper and when I put him down, he ran over and laid down right next to her. So cute!
Yesterday, we were trying to entertain ourselves inside before dinner time. It was too hot to go outside and he'd already had water play at daycare. I pulled out the stickers I use to label the date on breastmilk. It was great fun!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Our kids are so cute!! First, Tilly is starting to get a little mobile. She can roll over to her side now! Here she is, sleeping on her side:

Tigger continues to make us laugh. This past weekend, he enjoyed reading the sports section with Papa TT (there were lots of balls in the pictures!).
Later that day we had pool time in the back. I dried him off and sent him inside to get dressed with Papa TT. Of course, he immediately started playing with his toys (naked). Papa TT snapped a quick picture before taking him upstairs to get dressed.
Yesterday, I checked the mail and had gotten a bunch of pictures I printed for Tilly's baby book. I started looking at them with Tigger and he was so cute pointing out all the people he knew, I grabbed the video camera. Yeah, he gets a little confused between Mama and Dada, but he gets most people right, including Samantha (his version is 'Daya').
Tigger continues to make us laugh. This past weekend, he enjoyed reading the sports section with Papa TT (there were lots of balls in the pictures!).
Thursday, July 8, 2010
'Da Wa'
As you may be able to tell from prior posts, Tigger LOVES the water. He loves swimming and bath time. We go swimming every weekend and two days a week at daycare, they have water play on the playground (which they set up with several inflatable pools).
As if that isn't enough, Papa TT and I decided to get a wading pool for our backyard (it's not really a yard - just a parking spot with a few bushes on the side). I got a great deal on a used pool on Craigslist; $20 and a good scrubbing by Papa TT and we were in business!
I've started having 'pool time' with Tigger after I pick him up from day care. It's still pretty hot at 4/5 pm and our local park isn't very shaded. This is a good activity for him, especially since Tilly can relax in her crib in the air conditioned house.
Tigger gets so excited about the water - he calls it 'da wa' (his version of 'the water'). He knows it's swim time when I put his swim diaper on. Here he is running to the back door after I just changed him:
We got outside and I put him in the pool. He looks kind of sad - where's the water?!?!

There it is!
Fun, fun!
As if that isn't enough, Papa TT and I decided to get a wading pool for our backyard (it's not really a yard - just a parking spot with a few bushes on the side). I got a great deal on a used pool on Craigslist; $20 and a good scrubbing by Papa TT and we were in business!
I've started having 'pool time' with Tigger after I pick him up from day care. It's still pretty hot at 4/5 pm and our local park isn't very shaded. This is a good activity for him, especially since Tilly can relax in her crib in the air conditioned house.
Tigger gets so excited about the water - he calls it 'da wa' (his version of 'the water'). He knows it's swim time when I put his swim diaper on. Here he is running to the back door after I just changed him:
We got outside and I put him in the pool. He looks kind of sad - where's the water?!?!
There it is!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
2 Month Checkup
Yesterday Tilly had her two month checkup. She's doing great and the doctor was pleased with all her progress, including great head control and sleeping 7-8 hours at night (yup - it's great). She's growing up so fast!
Here are her stats. Like Tigger, she appears to be tall and skinny!
And at 2 months:
Here are her stats. Like Tigger, she appears to be tall and skinny!
- Weight: 11 lb, 3.5 oz (50th percentile)
- Length: 22 7/8 inch (75th percentile)
- Head circumference: 15 1/4 inches (50th percentile)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Vacation, Vacation
This past week we took our first family vacation since Tilly arrived. We drove down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina and spent the week with G-Ma T, G-Pa T, Auntie Meghan, Great Uncle Bill and Great Aunt Mimi. We had lots of fun swimming, playing games and spending time with the family.
Tigger enjoyed the water the most. He seemed to prefer the pool over the ocean. I think the waves were a little intimidating. He swam with G-Pa T:
Mama Tigger:

And Papa Tigger:

He also enjoyed playing in the sand and building piles of sand with Papa Tigger (he doesn't quite have the dexterity yet to build sand castles).
There was also fishing with G-Pa T and Great Uncle Bill:

Tigger got in some water play while they were fishing:

And of course there was lots of family time!

Samantha enjoyed the family time too!

Family time also included playing with everyone's hats. First G-Pa T's...
...then Papa Tigger's
While we were there we visited a local park where of course, Tigger found a ball to play with.

It was a great time. Thanks G-Ma and G-Pa T!
Tigger enjoyed the water the most. He seemed to prefer the pool over the ocean. I think the waves were a little intimidating. He swam with G-Pa T:
And Papa Tigger:
He also enjoyed playing in the sand and building piles of sand with Papa Tigger (he doesn't quite have the dexterity yet to build sand castles).

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