Below are the series of events that led us to meeting our little girl:
Monday, 4/26/10
- 9 am - At our weekly doctors appointment, we discover the fluid level is very low (6.6), so the doctor sends us to the hospital
- 11 am - Admitted to the hospital
- 1 pm - Induction begins
- 5 pm - The contractions are not that bad (Papa TT and I spend the afternoon watching TV), so Papa TT gets Tigger from day care and brings him by for a quick visit. Tigger then goes home with G-Ma T.
- 10 pm - Pitocin starts and the contractions get worse
- 2 am - the contractions are really bad so I get an epidural. Relief comes soon and Papa TT and I sleep for a few hours
- 8 am - the doctor declares me ready to push
- 9:36 am - Tilly arrives!
We get in some Papa and Mama TT bonding time with Tilly.
And she's home, snug in her crib. She looks just like Tigger did when he came home!
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