Let's start with Santa. Santa visited day care last week. I took a quick break in between conference calls to head up there and grab a few pictures of Tigger with Santa. It's a good thing I did - the only pictures of him not screaming are the ones with him in my lap. I guess he still has a bit of stranger anxiety!

Papa Tigger had meetings and couldn't make it to day care to get in the picture. We were both bummed about that, but not enough to brave a trip to the mall for the real Santa!!
Over the weekend, we had quite the blizzard hit. We got almost two feet of snow!
We decided to bundle up Tigger to go play in the snow. It was quite the process....He had so many layers on he couldn't get up!
Once we got outside, Tigger promptly decided he didn't like the snow.
He has such a sad face in this video! We're still not sure why he was so upset - he was definitely toasty warm! I guess it was a little new for him....
Luckily, by the next day he decided he did like the snow!
We spent the rest of the weekend indoors, where Tigger continued to make us laugh with his cuteness. He wanted to play with the box my new computer came in...

And finish off by brushing his teeth.
He's gotten so big! He can feed himself, say thank you (it sounds like 'A Goo') and give kisses. That last one is the most fun:)
I'll finish this post with some random pictures of Tigger at daycare. How cute is he sitting at the table like a big boy?
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