Last weekend, Papa
Tigger and I ventured to a VA farm with our friends Chris and Kathleen. Luckily we got in most of our visit before it started raining! We got to see all sorts of farm animals and pick out some great pumpkins. We even stocked up on some farm fresh veggies!
We got to see sheep..


and goats!

Then we headed off to the pumpkin patch. You can see from the ominous sky that we only had a little bit of time before the rain hit!

We found the pumpkin patch and let Tigger take a load off.
A quick milk break in the pumpkin patch:
We got quite a haul! OK - some of this is Chris and Kathleen's:)

After getting our pumpkins and a quick snack from the 'Country Kitchen' we headed home. On Sunday, we decided to let Major have some special time by visiting the new dog park. Here are some pictures Papa Tigger snapped of Tigger, enthralled by all the dogs running around.

Tigger had a fun weekend!
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