Saturday, January 31, 2009
Lazy Saturday Morning
Here's a few pics from a lazy Saturday morning. Papa Tigger was trying to keep Tigger happy and occupied (so I could do a few things), but didn't want to leave the warm bed yet:
He even resorted to lettting Tigger play with his iPhone. Taking a cue from Aunt Lorelei and Uncle Michael, he downloaded some apps and games to keep Tigger happy. See:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ptol's T
Ptolemy & Shelly joined us for the Inaugural festivities last week. They gave Tigger an "uncanny, almost scary Mysterio predicts your child's future (on a t-shirt)" t-shirt:
It predicted Caleb will be a "hog calling champion". So, in the spirit of Tigger's future profession, here is a pic of Tigger and I making our pig faces:

Also, Uncle Ptolemy went a little crazy with the camera (he just got a new digital SLR). I think he took more pictures of Caleb that week than we have his entire life. You can see some of his favorites here... Enjoy!
Also, Uncle Ptolemy went a little crazy with the camera (he just got a new digital SLR). I think he took more pictures of Caleb that week than we have his entire life. You can see some of his favorites here... Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy 5 Month Birthday
Today Tigger turns 5 months old! We decided to shoot this birthday pic in his crib, to compare to the picture of when we first brought him home (thanks for the suggestion Anna and Erica!).
Here he is tonight (note the cute UT PJs):

Here he is tonight (note the cute UT PJs):
And here he was just 6 days old, when we brought him home from the hospital:

Such a change!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tigger Eats!
Mama Tigger and I gave Tigger his first spoonful of "solid" food today, though rice cereal ain't all that solid. Anyway, we took a couple of videos to capture the epic moment...
Getting the food ready:
And the feeding begins:
Getting the food ready:
And the feeding begins:
Tigger Gotta Jumper!
Mama Tigger and I picked up a new jumper for Tigger this week. Well, it wasn't exactly new - its about 16 months old. We picked it up at half price off Craigslist! Tigger got to check out Cousin Sweat Pea's jumper during Christmas, and seemed to enjoy it a lot. And now, his playmat is not occupying his attention like it once was, so Mama Tigger and I thought it was time to bring this colorful monstrosity into our home...
But given that we bought it used (and despite the fact that it was all put together when I brought it home), Mama Tigger insisted we wash every single piece of the thing, including the springs! So, we had to take it apart, piece by piece... Unfortunately, we didn't get a shot of both Mama Tigger and I cleaning various crevices with q-tips, but I digress...
[Mama Tigger here - Papa Tigger likes to make it sound like I was being super-clean-anal-retentive, but he agreed that the jumper was pretty dirty! We had to get it sparkling clean for Tigger:)]
But given that we bought it used (and despite the fact that it was all put together when I brought it home), Mama Tigger insisted we wash every single piece of the thing, including the springs! So, we had to take it apart, piece by piece... Unfortunately, we didn't get a shot of both Mama Tigger and I cleaning various crevices with q-tips, but I digress...
[Mama Tigger here - Papa Tigger likes to make it sound like I was being super-clean-anal-retentive, but he agreed that the jumper was pretty dirty! We had to get it sparkling clean for Tigger:)]
But, we were able to get it back together again with minimal fuss... Ta da!
And here's a pic of Caleb, checking out his new digs...
And here you can see he already made friends with the sunflower! Too cute!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tigger Witnesses History
Congratulations to President Obama!! Tigger was a witness to history these last few days as Papa Tigger, Tigger and I took in all the inauguartion festivities. G-Ma T, G-Pa T and our friends Ptolemy and Shelly joined as well. It was crazy but fun!!
We started the experience by walking down to the national mall on Saturday. The networks were already broadcasting and preparation was underway for the millions expected. Here's MSNBC's broadcasting location:

On Monday, the day before the inauguration, we attended an open house hosted by the soon-to-be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Papa Tigger was invited because of his work with her presidential campaign. It was a mad house! Here's the lobby of the office building, packed with people waiting to get upstairs to the event:

We took the bus down to L street, then had to walk from there. The crowds were huge!

The historic event was lost on Tigger, who succumbed to his usual nap time:

We got to the national mall and even though the crowds were massive, there was still some room to move around. It was really tight around the huge screens (trinitrons) that broadcast the swearing in. We were all the way behind the Washington Monument, which is waaaaaaaay back from the captiol.

Here was our view of the swearing in - the best view of a screen we could get. It may be hard to tell, but this shot is of Obama taking the oath, with his hand raised.
Papa Tigger and Tigger watch history together (with Ptolemy and Shelly in the background):

After the swearing in, we had to navigate more crowds to exit and walk the 10 blocks to the nearest bus stop.

After our exhausting morning, we relaxed at home and watched the parade. We then cleaned ourselves up and went to the Western Ball, one of the 10 official inaugural balls.

Papa Tigger and I even posed in front of one of the cheesy inauguration backdrops. Terrible lighting, huh?

At first, the party was a bit boring with the mediocre hors d'oevres and bad cover band. But then the show started! Marc Anthony performed, and got J Lo on stage to sing one song with him. We had a pretty good view:
After the performance, Shelly and I were so tired from standing that we sat right on the floor. We didn't dare move and give up our prime spot!

After a brief 30-minute wait, the Bidens arrived and made an appearance:
Then, the band started playing Hail to the Chief and everyone went crazy trying to get a shot of the Obamas. Here was my view:

Finally, people calmed down enough so I could get this shot:

What an evening! After a 45-minute wait at coat check and a cramped Metro ride home, we finally crawled into bed at 1:30 am. It was quite an experience - historic, exhausting and very memorable!
We started the experience by walking down to the national mall on Saturday. The networks were already broadcasting and preparation was underway for the millions expected. Here's MSNBC's broadcasting location:
Some of the media trucks lining the mall:
We also walked to the capitol, where the swearing in was held. The seats were out on Saturday, so they were probably cold by Tuesday after sitting out for 3+ days!
G-Ma and G-Pa T:
DC seemed like a new city!! Everyone was smiling and friendly on the mall. The city had undergone some signifiant changes. Everything was spruced up - lines repainted on the roads, flags hung, and port-a-potties installed everywhere:
The chatchky selling effort was crazy! You could buy anything and everything with Obama on it. Here's a vendor's table outside the famous Ben's Chili Bowl (a DC landmark). Check out the line waiting to get into Ben's. The tourists came in force!

Here's one of my favorite pictures. Our witness to history - Tigger asleep with President Obama in the background giving a speech from Baltimore during his train ride from Philadelphia to DC (the plastic bubble was to protect Tigger from the blistering cold).
Here's one of my favorite pictures. Our witness to history - Tigger asleep with President Obama in the background giving a speech from Baltimore during his train ride from Philadelphia to DC (the plastic bubble was to protect Tigger from the blistering cold).
On Monday, the day before the inauguration, we attended an open house hosted by the soon-to-be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Papa Tigger was invited because of his work with her presidential campaign. It was a mad house! Here's the lobby of the office building, packed with people waiting to get upstairs to the event:
Inauguration Day was cold and exhausting, but fun. Anticipating huge crowds at the mall, we decided (ok, Papa Tigger insisted) to forego the stroller and strap Tigger into the Bjorn. Here we are, leaving the house to walk/bus down to the national mall. Tigger is warm and toasty!
We got to the national mall and even though the crowds were massive, there was still some room to move around. It was really tight around the huge screens (trinitrons) that broadcast the swearing in. We were all the way behind the Washington Monument, which is waaaaaaaay back from the captiol.
Here was our view of the swearing in - the best view of a screen we could get. It may be hard to tell, but this shot is of Obama taking the oath, with his hand raised.
After the swearing in, we had to navigate more crowds to exit and walk the 10 blocks to the nearest bus stop.
After our exhausting morning, we relaxed at home and watched the parade. We then cleaned ourselves up and went to the Western Ball, one of the 10 official inaugural balls.
Papa Tigger and I even posed in front of one of the cheesy inauguration backdrops. Terrible lighting, huh?
At first, the party was a bit boring with the mediocre hors d'oevres and bad cover band. But then the show started! Marc Anthony performed, and got J Lo on stage to sing one song with him. We had a pretty good view:
After a brief 30-minute wait, the Bidens arrived and made an appearance:
Finally, people calmed down enough so I could get this shot:
What an evening! After a 45-minute wait at coat check and a cramped Metro ride home, we finally crawled into bed at 1:30 am. It was quite an experience - historic, exhausting and very memorable!
And here's the final picture of the post, one not at all political related. I snapped this of Tigger playing with Ptolemy and Major. What a cutie!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Tigger's First Ski Trip
All - so sorry for the weeks of non-posting. Papa Tigger and I have been traveling, then I lost the camera cable to download pics from the camera. But we're back in DC and the cable is no longer MIA, so we're back in the saddle!
Our most recent trip was to Breckenridge, CO for some great snow and skiing. Papa Tigger and I try to go skiing every year, and we wanted to keep up the tradition with Tigger. It was big family vacation. G-Ma T, G-Pa T, Aunt Lorelei, Uncle Michael and cousin Cassidy joined us and we all had fun in the snow. Thanks to G-Ma and G-Pa T's help with Tigger, I was able to enjoy some long awaited skiing. It was great!
Our most recent trip was to Breckenridge, CO for some great snow and skiing. Papa Tigger and I try to go skiing every year, and we wanted to keep up the tradition with Tigger. It was big family vacation. G-Ma T, G-Pa T, Aunt Lorelei, Uncle Michael and cousin Cassidy joined us and we all had fun in the snow. Thanks to G-Ma and G-Pa T's help with Tigger, I was able to enjoy some long awaited skiing. It was great!
We arrived in Denver and loaded up the car. Thank goodness Uncle Michael and Aunt Lorelei rented a minivan!
Once in Breckenridge, we settled into the house. It had a great view of the mountain:
The next day, we hit the slopes. Here's Papa Tigger and me:
G-Pa T:
Uncle Michael:
One day it was really cold and snowing, as you can see from G-Pa T's beard!
We even got Tigger out to play in the snow. And don't worry grandparent police, Tigger was laying in the snow for about 5 seconds and was toasty warm the whole time in his snowsuit (notice the Tigger on his snowsuit?).
After a hard day of skiing, Papa Tigger and I enjoyed some much needed hot tub time. Check out the great view of the mountain behind us!
Tigger even got to ride on the gondola. Here's G-Ma T bringing him to the base of the mountain so I could feed him. Yes, she looks a little freaked out by the height!:)
Cousin Cassidy had a lot of fun in the snow too. First, she did some flat sledding with Mommy.
Then, she did sledding down the hill with Daddy:
Cassidy also played with Mommy, squirting colored water in the snow (what a neat idea!):
Not only did Tigger enjoy the snow, he spent some time with his Aunt Lorelei and cousin Cassidy.
Thanks to everyone for making it a fun birthday/skiing trip!
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