Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas (a little early)

Merry Christmas!! OK, I know it's only December 22nd, but we just spent the weekend at G-Ma and G-Pa T's to celebrate Christmas. Caleb sure did enjoy his first Christmas!

We celebrated Christmas on Saturday and Caleb looked cute in his 'Baby's First Christmas' PJs:

We all had fun opening presents:

One of my favorite presents was a new book, Porn for New Moms. It was hysterical!! It's filled with pictures of dads with babies and the guys are saying something titillating. A few of my favorites:
  • I'll be right there hon. I'm just finishing the last of the baby shower thank-you cards.
  • No, you relax for a while. I've figured out how to fold everything one-handed (picture dad holding baby while folding laundry)
  • Ah, the sports pages can wait. I'd rather get a jump start on these preschool applications.
Tigger also got a present from G-Ma T - a new Tummy Time mat:

Whew, now he's worn out:

After a good nap, Tigger played in his bouncy and played pattycake with G-Pa T.

And Tigger finally got time with Aunt Meghan and her boyfriend Todd.

Such a cutie!

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