On Friday, we spent the day on the local home tour. Since babies weren't allowed (some freak accident last year involving a baby in a Baby Bjorn with explosive diarrhea), we took turns going through the houses while someone stayed outside with the baby (see below). This gave G-Ma and G-Pa T plenty of time to show off Tigger to the neighbors....

Not only did G-Ma and G-Pa T get in some Tigger time, but Mama and Papa Tigger got some sleep. Friday night, we handed over bottles of expressed breastmilk and hit the hay. We slept for 8 straight hours while the 'rents took the nighttime feedings. The sleep was nice, but we missed our little Tigger. Here we are the next morning getting reacquainted:

And since this post seems to be all about sleeping, here's a pic of Tigger sleeping (in his favorite position with his arms up) with Papa Tigger:

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