Last week Tigger and Tilly both had checkups and they're both doing great. Tilly had her 18 month checkup and Tigger had his 3 year checkup. Here are their stats:
- 31 1/4 inches tall
- 21.4 lbs
- 18 1/2 inches head circumference
To check his development in several areas (speech, etc), the doctor had a short conversation with Tigger. It was so cute - I don't think I'd ever heard him have a conversation with another adult. He's getting so big! Here was the exchange:
Doctor: Hi, what's your name?
Tigger: (points to Tilly) That's Samantha
Doctor: I know, but what's your name?
Tigger: Caleb
Doctor: And how old are you?
Tigger: (holds up three fingers)
Doctor: Are you a boy or a girl?
Tigger: A boy
Doctor: And who's your bestest friend?
Tigger: (points to Tilly) Samantha
And here are the kids on the way home from the doctor. We stopped for a few minutes so they could play at the fountain in Dupont Circle. They ran around in circles and both managed to dip their hands in the water, getting their sleeves wet all the way up to their elbows!