Last night was Tilly's first and Tigger's third halloween. They both had a great time and were darling in their costumes. Of course, the costume journey was a bit bumpy.
One of Tigger's favorite books is
Cupcake, which is about a plain vanilla cupcake that gets sad when all the fancy cupcakes get bought. And his friend the candle also feels sad when all the fancy candles are more popular. Then they realize that together they're special! So my great idea was for Tigger to be a cupcake and Tilly to be a candle.
I tried to buy a cupcake costume online but apparently you only dress up little girls as cupcakes. All the costumes involved pink and purple tutus. So Papa TT and I made Tigger's costume. It turned out well. It's hard to tell in the picture, but the 'cupcake' is attached to one of Papa TT's old shirts, so we could just put it over Tigger's head.

Well, Tigger was NOT a fan of the costume. He screamed bloody murder when we tried to put it on him Friday morning for daycare (so he went costume-less). We tried again on Halloween with no success. Papa TT had come up with a backup plan and with a little hair gel and eyeliner, Tigger was a rocker!

Papa TT is getting Tigger to stick his tongue out Ozzy Osbourne and Kiss-style.

To go along with the costume change, we decided that Tilly was a lighter:) How cute is the 'flame' on her head?

We headed out for some trick-or-treating!

And met up with Tigger's favorite friend from daycare, Addie; it was cold out so we had to ruin some of the cool rocker vibe with a Gap sweatshirt.

Trick-or-treating action shots!

What a night! Both kids crashed and slept well.