Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Christmas Part 2
First, we had to get up on Friday morning and head to the airport. We did not get up that early (7 am), but you couldn't tell that by Tigger's face that morning on the way to the airport.
For the first time ever, Tigger got his own seat on the plane (worth every penny, by the way!). He napped and read a book with Papa Tigger and we were there before you knew it.
When we landed, you could tell it was a lot drier in Texas than DC...
While there, we had lots of story time..
..and present opening...
..and fun on the slide.
Tigger's cousin Sweet Pea even showed him how to use a computer. He was a pro in no time.
After some quality family time....
...we headed to the Apple store where Tigger had more fun on the computer. Uh Papa Tigger, I think the computers with the short little stools are for the little ones!We also took advantage of being in suburbia and took a walk around the block. Tigger loved walking in the grass; I guess it was a bit of a novelty (I know, a bit sad).
The last pic is of Tigger enjoying a rocking chair that used to be his Uncle Michael's. He loved crawling into it and rocking. So cute!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
She's growing....
Here is the only pic we got from the sono. Like her big brother Tigger, she moves a lot and doesn't cooperate with the technician!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Big Boy Bed
We also decided to opt for a toddler bed, instead of a twin bed, because of how small Tigger's room is. A twin bed would take up the whole room and nothing else would fit! We liked some of the toddler beds at Ikea, so last Saturday, Papa Tigger and I headed out there to get one for Tigger. We decided on the blue Kritter bed, strapped it to the roof and headed home.
Papa Tigger worked on the bed assembly and I worked on the crib dis-assembly. The doorway to Tigger's room is so narrow that the crib won't fit fully assembled. So I took it down to a few big pieces and we moved it out of Tigger's room.
After assembly was complete, Tigger decided to try it out. He really liked his new bed!
So far, he's been sleeping like a champ in the bed. He goes down and goes to sleep just like he did in the crib. And he hasn't figured out yet that he can get out of the bed; he wakes up talking just like before, and waits for us to come get him out of bed. I think we're going to let him keep thinking he needs us to get out, at least for a little while.
Here's a pic of Tigger enjoying his new bed, sleeping away the other night. We still need to find sheets and a comforter we like (we got some simple white sheets for now), but it's pretty cute! You might notice in the picture that 1) the purple stripes might not work with the blue bed and 2) he's got quite the shiner on his forehead (occupational hazard from learning to walk!).
Sunday, January 3, 2010
G-Ma T thought it would "be fun" for us kids to decorate our own tree. There is a running joke in our family that Auntie M and I would place an ornament growing up, only to have G-Ma T move it to where it "looked better". It didn't take long for Auntie M and I let G-Ma T do the decorating...
So, we actually had to do the work this time! Here is a cute one of "the boys" trying to figure out a light situation.
And another of Tigger helping Auntie M with some beads.
Before Tigger went to bed, Mama Tigger and I had to read him "Twas the Night Before Christmas," a Thomas family tradition...
And when Tigger woke up, loooky what Santa brought him! How 'bout them maracas! (Yes, those remained at G-Ma and G-Pa T's, along with the tambourine and cymbals...)
Auntie M got him a workbench thing - he LOVES the hammer...
A soft bowling game from G-Ma and G-Pa T - likes to put the case on his head, and carry the pins around...
We haven't open the train set yet, but I'm excited for it! (I think it was for me as much as Tigger...)
Interestingly, there were no pics of anyone else's gifts! It was a good one - thanks everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Oh, and one last cute one of G-Ma T and Tigger from dinner. Yes, those are Sam's Club special reading glasses (a.k.a. cheap)...