There was lots of play time for Tigger.
Tigger has really taken to walking; here he is in the kitchen on Thankgiving.
He also had fun playing 'eyebrows' with G-Pa T. G-Pa T was trying to teach him to raise his eyebrows. Tigger tried, but it ended up being a long blink. He tried!
One morning, Tigger hung out on the deck with Papa Tigger. I got some cute pictures as Tigger was saying hi through the sliding glass door.

Finally, it was time to head home. Aunt Meghan and I started packing up leftovers to take home (they were so yummy!). Tigger had fun playing with the Glad packaging - it doesn't take much sometimes!

On the car ride home, we used a recently discovered trick to keep Tigger occupied - give him a magazine. Here is what he did to Fortune:
Getting buttoned up because it got cold; it's hard to tell, but Tigger is leaning against Papa Tigger. He's all about standing now!
Hanging out on the boat:
(had to put the hat on...)
On the car ride home, we used a recently discovered trick to keep Tigger occupied - give him a magazine. Here is what he did to Fortune:
All in all, it was a great weekend!